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Thursday, 31 July 2014

Top 3 Summer Yankee Candles Review


Firstly, I'd just like to say thank you so much for 60+ followers; I never imagined that my blog would have grown so much in the short amount of time that I've had it!

Today I'm going to be doing a review of my favourite 3 Yankee Candle Tarts that I am loving this summer! During winter, I would find myself going to the Yankee Candle shop nearly once every week to purchase new Tarts for my tart burner as they gave off such nice scents and candles always make a room feel that much more cosy! Despite this, I also think that they are still essential in summer as they can give a room that extra something and make it smell delicious (I'm also a big candle lover!)

As oppose to having candles, I love using tarts as I think they are really adorable and can be re-used over and over until the scent fades. After burning them, I simply wrap them up in foil and then they can be recycled for when I next want to use them. Also, you can mix and match the tarts which always creates something interesting! To burn my tarts, I have a tart burner which has a small hole in the bottom where you place the tea light, and then a bowl shape suspended above the tea light to allow the heat to melt it and give off the lovely smell!

Here are some Yankee Tarts that I've been loving this summer:

1. Pink Sands

This was basically just an impulse buy as the colour of it is so pretty! The name sounds tropical and this is exactly what it's like! The smell itself reminds me of being on holiday as it's very tropical with burst of citrus and sweet with a mellow vanilla-ish undertone. I would highly recommend using this in the evening as the scent is very relaxing.

2. Lilac Blossoms

The reason I like this scent is because its different to the other two scents due to the fact that its more floral and "breathy" (that's the only word I could think to describe it!) The scent is very refreshing and this is why I love using it in summer. The lavender smell is also quite a strong aspect. As its quite a nice scent, I think it might be nice to mix with other, less strong scents.

3. Beach Walk

This tart reflects a day of the beach. You can smell the ocean (it has a slightly salty tang) and I could also smell a slightly citrus tinge. I absolutely adore this one as it makes me feel like I'm on the beach when its not necessarily warm enough to be there physically (due to the good old english weather!)

I hope you have found this review useful- I would highly recommend purchasing any of these 3 tarts for summer, but all the other types are just as lovely! You can buy them from your closest Yankee Candle store or from their website: The prices range from £1.00- £1.49 per tart which is very reasonable considering the number of times they can be reused. 

Thanks for reading,

Emily x

Monday, 28 July 2014

Ice Creams and Crabbing


Today I went crabbing with my Dad and brother and we had a really great time so I thought I'd share it with you! As the weather was so nice, we decided to cycle down to the shore (luckily its downhill) and catch the Ferry to the place we were going to go crabbing.

What I wore:

Kimono: £10 from Primark, Cami: £3.99 H&M, Shorts: £30 Topshop (MOTO Extracted Hallie shorts) 
I was also wearing my new pastel pink Jujus, you can read a review of them here


On the way over the river ft part of the beautifully coloured ferry and my bike!


Once we arrived on the other side of the river, we started preparing our crabbing things: putting the bait into the nets and then attaching the weights. I bought my crabbing line last summer for about £3 from the beach but you can buy them pretty much anywhere. 

After we had done this, we put them in the water and waited… and waited. After 10 minutes, my brother finally managed to catch a tiny crab- however this paled in comparison to all the other ones everyone else around us had caught! We then moved as there didn't seem to be many crabs in that area- within 10 minutes we managed to catch two huge crabs! 


Jelly shoes: £20 JuJus, Nail polish:BarryM fluffy nail polish and Miss Sporty in the shade "Ferris Wheel"



Runaway crab!

Some of the nearby boats and a seagull on one of the posts

We then let our grand total of 3 crabs (amazing, I know) back into the water and had a cycle around the nearby village as it was really picturesque and cute!  



Some pretty flowers


Old brick houses


The blue matched my bike :) 

We then cycled back through the village and got some ice-creams before heading back to the ferry and home.



Soleros are my favourite :)



I hope you enjoyed this slightly different style of blog post, please leave a comment down below telling me what you think!

Thanks for reading,

Emily x

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Liebster Award


It was such a nice surprise to see that I had been nominated for the Liebster Award four times by JessEllieJasmine and Phoebe (please check out their blogs they're lovely!).

As I had never heard of it before now, I decided to do some research. The concept of it is really cute as it allows you to discover new blogs and at the same time allow your blog to become more well known! The award itself exists purely on the internet and is like a type of chain mail, with each new blogger passing on the award to new blogs that they enjoy and think deserve it. The word 'Liebster' comes from the German meaning of sweetheart, love, beloved and dearest.

Here are the rules:

1. Link back to the person that nominated you for the award

2. You must write 11 facts about yourself so people can learn more about you.

3. You also have to answer the 11 questions given by the nominator

4. After completing this, you should nominate 11 other bloggers that have under 200 followers and then give them 11 questions of your choice. However, you cannot nominate your nominator (as much as I would love to!)

5. You have to let your nominees know that they've been nominated and give them access to the link to find out more about the award.

11 Facts about myself:

- I recently started rowing and so far I'm really enjoying it as I have made lots of new friends and it's a really effective way to get fit!

- My favourite band is 5 Seconds of Summer. I am completely obsessed and have met them 5 times!!

- My all-time favourite book is 1984 by George Orwell; I find the concept of it fascinating and also quite daunting as society is slowly becoming more and more like their world. It is a book I would highly recommend.

- I've always wanted to start a blog but I've never really had the courage to until now.

- My favourite songs are: The Wire by Haim, Year 3000 by Busted and Superhero by 5 Seconds of Summer

- I have a really annoying habit where I will hear a new song, listen to it over and over hundreds of times and then not like it anymore! :)

- As of the moment, I have never broken a bone! (Hopefully it will stay like this!)

- I have met The Vamps :D

- My favourite Yankee Candle scent is the 'Loves me, love me not'- it smells like daisies and grass and always reminds me of summer.

- I love anything that's pastel coloured- I think the colours look really pretty and elegant.

-I have hair that's down to my waist (which can be annoying sometimes!) and I'm hoping to dye it ombre soon!

My answers to Jess' questions:

1. What is your favourite savoury dish and sweet dish?

My mum makes a delicious spaghetti bolognese so that would have to be my favourite savoury. I have a really sweet tooth and my favourite sweet food depends on the season! In winter, I love homemade apple and blackberry crumble, but in summer I love red berry pavlovas!

2. What is your favourite TV series at the moment?

I don't really find myself watching TV that much nowadays, but a few weeks ago I found out that the Sherlock seasons 1 and 2 had been put onto Netflix so I just stayed at home and watched all of them for a couple of days!

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

One place I would love to live is Australia. I have never been there but one year I would love to travel there! The idea of constantly having hot weather really appeals to me in comparison to our rainy climate!

4. If you could own a beauty brand, what would you call it?

I really love painting my nails so I would love to own my own nail polish brand called " Emily's nails"… creative, I know :) I think its really cute when brands are named after their owners :)

5. How long have you been blogging for and what do you love about it?

As of today, I have been blogging for a grand total of 12 days! I love writing in general but blogging is an added bonus as you get to write about things you love and its so rewarding when people read it!

6. What is your favourite quote?

Being a massive John Green fan, my favourite quote comes from The Fault in Our Stars: "My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations" I think its so beautiful and elegant and relatable to life.

7. Do you have any hidden/funny talents?

Haha not really… :)

8. What are you most looking forward to this summer?

I am really looking forward to completing my summer bucket list, spending some time with my friends and family and going on holiday so I can relax!

9. If you were stuck on a desert island, what 5 things would you take with you?

We had to answer this question recently at school and someone came up with the idea of a boat! However, as that isn't really allowed, the five things I would take with me is: a computer, wifi, unlimited food/water, a tent and a flare to signal for help (I don't really fancy being stuck on a desert island for the rest of my life!)

10. What are your plans for the future?

In the short term, I would love to start learning guitar and keep working hard to achieve my GCSEs. In the long term, I would love to go to collage then hopefully uni to study law :).

11. What is one thing that makes you happy?

This would have to be spending time with my family as we always have such a great time!

My answers to Ellie's questions: (some were the same so I have missed them out)

1. What got you into blogging?

I have always loved writing since I was very young and last Christmas I received a new camera and thought the two skills would go beautifully together in a blog! I also love the idea of people actually reading what I have to say!

2. Which blogs/bloggers inspire you the most?

As I mentioned in my first post, which you can view here, Zoella is one of my main inspirations, however I also love From Roses and thesundaygirl.

3. Are there things you are scared/shy to post about?

Not really, I only recently started blogging so I'm still finding my feet about what style I will adapt but at the moment, everything is new and exciting!

4. What do you find the most difficult about blogging?

I have so many ideas in a notebook and the list just keeps growing, I have to restrain myself from doing multiple posts a day!!

5. Is there anything you would like to change about your blog?

In the future, I think I would like to invest in a slightly more professional looking template, but at the moment I'm happy with it as it reflects my personality.

6. What do your friends think of your blog?

Haha I'm not really sure, I think a few of them have seen it as I post the link on my instagram, but I'll have to ask them.

7. Describe yourself in 3 words:

Haha this is a hard question! Fun, girly, and imaginative?

8. How would other people describe you?

I honestly have no idea, I'll have to ask them!

9. Are you a glass half full/empty person?

I like to think of myself as a glass half full, optimistic person!

10. Favourite thing to do?

Spending time with my family and blogging.

My answers to Jasmine's questions (some were the same so I have missed them out)

1. What do you blog about and why?

I blog about things that I love as that is the whole reason I started blogging!

2. How often do you blog?

As its the holidays, I try to blog at least two or three times a week however, when I do go back to school, I will probably only be able to blog once a week.

3. What's your most successful blog post?

This would have to be either my BabyLips review or my "Ice Creams and Crabbing" post. Funnily enough, these were also some of the most enjoyable ones to do!

4. What have you learnt so far about blogging?

I have learnt that with patience comes rewards and that I shouldn't set unrealistic goals for myself in terms of views and followers. 

5. What social media site do you like the most?

Twitter. Twitter is literally my life…

6. Apart from blogging, what else do you do?

I'm currently working on my next grade of the violin, I like going rowing and sailing, and I love reading :)

7. What are your goals for next year?

To keep working hard at school and to do more exercise!

8. What do you enjoy reading the most?

Probably books but I do love reading blog posts as well as they offer something a little different.

9. What is your favourite colour?

I love all pastel colours so any of them really.

10. How long do you spend on your blog every day?

I try to dedicate an hour every day to replying to comments, researching and planning my posts but on days where I upload and write a post I'll spend an extra 2 hours as that's how long it takes me to write a post roughly (this is inclusive of taking the pictures and editing!)

My answers to Phoebe's questions (some questions were the same so I have missed them out)

1. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

I get to share things that I love with people and be rewarding with views and comments.

2. Books or films?

Books :)

3. If you could, what would you change about the world?

Make everything fair and have no suffering.

4. Who is your ideal partner?

Luke Hemmings

5. What is your favourite song at the moment?

Long way home by 5SOS

6. What is your earliest memory?

My 4th birthday party

7. Where would you go if you could go back in time?

I would find out what the lottery numbers are :)

8. If you could spend the day with any fictional character, who would it be?

Four from Divergent

9. What actor would you want to play you in a movie about your life?

Emma Watson

I hope this has allowed you to learn a bit more about me!

My nominations:

My questions

1. Why did you start blogging?

2. What is your biggest life achievement?

3. What is your favourite type of blogpost to write?

4. Who are your main inspirations?

5. Where did the inspiration for your blog name come from?

6. 3 must have beauty products?

7. What is your favourite blog post you've written so far and why?

8. Where would you like to travel in the world?

9. Happiest moment in your life so far?

10. Favourite scent?

11. If you woke up tomorrow and could do absolutely anything, what would you do?

I hope my nominees enjoy doing the Liebster award- I think it is such a nice idea as it helps smaller blogs get noticed and you can share with your followers some of your favourite blogs! Thank you once again to Jess and Ellie for nominating me- it was such a surprise!

Please comment when you've completed it!

Thanks for reading, 

Emily x

Monday, 21 July 2014

Shoe Crush Monday- JuJu Jellies review (pastel pink)


If you follow me on Instagram, you may know that I've had my eye on a pair of Jellies for quite some time. A few days ago I took the plunge and purchased some JuJu Jellies in a pastel pink shade. So far, I'm very impressed with them!

As I was born in the last year of the 90s, I didn't manage to own a pair of these, although I'm really glad they've come back into fashion! Surprisingly, they are extremely comfy both with and without socks on- I feared the rubber may be quite uncomfortable but its very flexible and does't rub against your feet like you would expect. The buckle means that you can tighten them up and this ensures a very comfortable fit. However, one disadvantage of these is that although they are very comfortable and make you want to wear them all the time, when wearing them out, the light shades lends for them to get dirty and the soft material is quite easy to scuff. Despite this, they are very easy to clean with a cloth and some cold water if you do get them dirty. This will not be a problem if you buy a different colour such as black.

At just £20, I feel they are quite steep for a pair of jellies, although the quality is definitely noticeable in comparison to some of the cheaper styles on the market. I purchased my JuJus from Office as it was the only shop I could find which sold the pastel colour I wanted. There are, however, many other shops that sell other colours such as Topshop, ASOS, Schuh and American Apparel. When doing some research online, I found that each of the shops offer different colours so it's worth looking at all of their websites to make sure the shop sells the colour you want.

Outfit wise, I think they are very versatile as they are quirky and can add a little extra lift to your outfit. Originally, I was going to go for a black as this seemed an obvious choice that would go with pretty much anything. However, after I saw the pastel colours, I fell in love with them! Due to the fact most of my clothes are pastel and light, I figured this colour would also be able to go with most of them.

Overall, I think that these are a really nice pair of shoes and I'm so happy that I bought them! I know that they aren't everyone's cup of tea but, if you put them with the right outfit, they can look really pretty. I can't wait to try them out properly on holiday to see how they wear and put them with some of my favourite outfits…

Thanks for reading,

Emily x

Sunday, 20 July 2014

BabyLips Review


Baby Lips are by far some of my favourite drugstore products as they are really easy to take on the go and use for a subtle hint of colour without having to wear full-on lipstick. I have 5 of the 6 from the collection and they are all really handy for different things…

'Peach Kiss':

The BabyLips I use the most is the purple 'Peach Kiss'.
It comes in a nude shade although it does have a slight a shimmer to it which is what I really like. It gives a really nice effect and has a long lasting wearage which is also really good. One downside to this balm is that you have to put quite a few layers on for the shimmer to start to be noticeable.

The scent of all the BabyLips is absolutely amazing although some can be quite sickly- the 'Peach Kiss' has a really refreshing yet still sweet scent and that is a definite bonus!
'Cherry Me':

'Cherry Me' is another of the tinted BabyLips balms and I use it lots when going out with friends as it adds a really nice rouged look to your lips. This is also one of my preferred balms which I will take with me everywhere, and will sometimes use it on top of the clear sticks for a dash of colour.

The pigmentation of 'Cherry Me' is a lot stronger than that of 'Peach Kiss' and so if you are looking for something which is a happy-medium between lipstick and a shimmer balm, this is it. There is no shimmer in it and is a more matt colour which is also something I like. However, as I am not a great fan of cherries, the scent is not as appealing as some of the others although it is still quite sweet.

'Pink Punch':

This is definitely one of the most brightest lip balms I have seen, and this can be seen as both a good and bad thing. Having such a nice candy floss colour can add a really nice pink flush to your lips and this lasts throughout the day. However, by using a few strokes too many, the colour can appear extremely vibrant and not necessarily able to give you the subtle look you want from using a tinted lip balm. The smell, however, is absolutely divine and smells like a fruity cocktail.


This is one of the clear lip balms although I still find myself packing it for days out (especially when it's hot). Although all the other balms are also able to hydrate you lips, I find the fact that there's no pigmentation in this one better for my lips when they get especially chapped. By using this for consecutive days, I noticed a real difference in my lips as they didn't get chapped so easily.
The scent of 'Hydrate' is also delicious, it smells quite sweet and tropical and reminds me of being on holiday!

'Mint Fresh':

This is the last in my collection and also clear like the 'Hydrate'. The scent is delicious and extremely refreshing. Using the clear ones regularly really helps to fight chapped lips and make them soft!

The 'Mint Fresh's' scent is in the name but it is like a sweet, peppermint scent. It also has my favourite packaging as the colours are really vibrant and go together really well! I think this is also what makes them so appealing as they look adorable in your bag!


As you can see, these are very versatile and handy products which I find essential as I'm constantly using them. They genuinely work and have really helped my lips become a lot less chapped. In addition, they are a very reasonable price in drug stores at  roughy £3 each.

Thanks for reading,

Emily x

Monday, 14 July 2014

Through the Looking Glass; Drink Me!

As it's summer, I thought it might be nice to do a recipe for a milkshake- these are my favourite drinks as I find them refreshing and delicious!

To make a strawberry milkshake, you will need:

Ice Cream (any flavour of your choice although I prefer to use vanilla)
Strawberry milkshake powder
Sprinkles (For the decoration afterwards!)
Whippy Cream
Handheld blender
Milkshake glasses
Large mixing bowl/jug

(Makes around 3 servings)

1. Put 2 scoops of your ice cream in the mixing bowl, 2-4 tablespoons of the milkshake powder (depending how strong you like it), 6 strawberries, and 1/2 a pint of milk (this too depends on how thick you want your milkshake to be).
2. Use the blender to mix all of the ingredients together until it is smooth, feel free to add more milk/milkshake powder to your own preference.
3. Finally, pour the milkshake into your milkshake glasses and decorate with sprinkles, whippy cream and strawberries.

Emily x

A little about me...


So I've wanted to start my own blog for a long time, but I've never really had the confidence or ideas to actually do it! I have been reading other people's blogs for a few years now and I have finally decided to take the plunge...

I love anything girly/pink/vintage, music and Pokemon (strange mixture, I know). My favourite artists are 5 Seconds of Summer and Ed Sheeran- their music is amazing and always manages to make me smile. Music is so important to me and these artists have really inspired me to pursue music. One day I would love to travel the world and document my trips through photographs.

My blog will be a reflection of my personality and some of the things I'm loving in life so I hope you will enjoy it...

Thanks for reading, there will be more posts to follow!

Emily x